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Metallica Master Puppets Rapidshare Search

8 Comments: Scapegoat said.Mate you are an effing champion!!! Great site, thanks alot for this album, ive been waiting for it, however with some disapointment.

Master Puppets Lyrics

How can they let such bands slaughter such good songs?! I mean FFAF covering Damage Inc? How can you not get pissed off.said.hey cool postings! It's hard to find old stuff online, so keep it up man!integrity said.This CD rocks! It's like listening to 'Puppets' all over again for the first time! For the record, You can buy this album really cheap from Kerrang at -p.s.

I agree with Scapegoat about 'Damage'. They could have gotten a better version.

But all in all, I'd give the compilation at least a 9-1/2 on a 10 scale.said.The reason this album is available for so cheap is it is absolute shit, other than Mastodon none of these bands have any business covering Metallica or even wiping their asses. This album is an atrocity amd a crime against the true art that master of Puppets wasAnonymous said.The reason this album is available for so cheap is it is absolute shit, other than Machine Head Trivium Mendeed Bullet for My Valentine Chimaira Fightstar Funeral for a friend none of these bands have any business covering Metallica or even wiping their asses.

This album is an atrocity amd a crime against the true art that master of Puppets was hey david to bad your a cock headKreator said.All these bands (except Mastodon and Machine Head) are poser pussy metal bands who have ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to cover Master of Puppets! Now if they were to go cover Load or Reload thatd be much more appropriate.Anonymous said.Imo, Mastodon, Machine Head and BFMV do GREAT covers on this album. For those of you who say BFMV have no talent, give them a listen, they are a great band. I have yet to listen to the other cover bands which I am doing now.Anonymous said.FFS shut the fuck up you whining pieces of shit.The bands that covered these songs cover them as a tribute.


It's showing fucking respect to a fucking amazing album put out by a fucking amazing band.You've got to learn that all metal is good and not just one particular genre. If you love thrash that's great, but others are allowed to listen to metalcore, hardcore, death, whatever.

It also doesn't mean that you should segregate yourself on a fucking podium saying 'hurr I listen to one genre, I'm simple minded and so fucking mainstream but I pretend to be underground by listening to Metallica, hurr'. Just get over the fact that it's a different subgenre of metal covering Metallica and if you don't like it, deal w/ it.